
Posts Tagged ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’

It’s that time of year when we all scourer our collections for that perfect Christmas movie to get us in the mood. ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, ‘Elf’, ‘Home Alone’, to name a few feel good festive movies we all should own. But ‘Rare Exports’ is something different. Festive, sure. Feel good, certainly. But this is not a Christmas tale for the kiddies. With a wonderful turn from young Finnish lead, Onni Tommila, this dark and sinister tale of an evil Santa would be sure to scare any child off the advent of Christmas day. There are moments towards the end where the film stutters between horror and comedy but these are fleeting and would be my only criticism.

With Christmas holiday on everyones lips, why not try this twisted tale of yuletide.


Trailer: Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

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